Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Kate's Journal

As a writer, I always tend to unconsciously predict what is going to happen to the book. Having read almost a thousand books(do textbooks count?), there are rare moments when a book appals me with a great twist.

And this book has been one of them.

Kate's Journal isn't for the faint hearted, because it will drag you to places. Even when I was finished reading it my mind was still reeling from my over active imagination.

Although there were some errors, they weren't huge. The story enough would distract you from everything else. It was a very modern romance, with twists and turns just when you thought you've got it all figured out.

About the book: (From Amazon)
After waiting twenty years to fall in love, Kate Miller certainly never expected lightning to strike twice. When John Alderman comes to visit Kate and her mother, Lisa, over Christmas break, he ends up igniting a forbidden passion that quickly consumes Kate's life. When their secret affair is exposed, the aftermath destroys life-long friendships, including Kate's relationship with her mother. But there is another secret, one with the potential to shatter what little remains of her life. Faced with an impossible choice, Kate struggles to find a way to keep hold of the man she's sacrificed everything for and the best friend she can't imagine living without.

BUY IT HERE. For $4.99!

About Author: (From Amazon)

Cotton Nightie

I have always written, but have not always considered myself a writer. I make the distinction on purpose. I have written many short stories, portions of larger works, but while my friends have been enthusiastic supporters I had never finished a novel, nor had the courage to seek a wider audience.

When I began writing The Other Half, I knew right away it was different. The story seemed to write itself through me and would not let me rest until it was complete. I learned so much in the process and made some very good friends who helped me revise and edit my draft. When it was complete, my early readers encouraged me to make it available for others to enjoy as well.

I don't know if this will be the beginning of something wonderful, or a quiet descent into obscurity, but in either case I am content. I have written something I love and that makes me proud. I have had the courage to share it with the world. Nothing that happens now will ever take that away. Thank you all for sharing this moment with me. I am forever grateful.


  1. I definitley like books that throw me for a loop when I thought I had it all figured out :) Sounds like a book I would like.

  2. I'm not a fiction guy, but it sounds like something my wife would enjoy. Will pass along the info!

  3. Oh i love books that can twist and turn and give me surprises when I think I have it all figured out! Sounds fantastic!

  4. I'll be adding this to my TBR list. Its getting bigger and bigger. I better learn how to read faster!

  5. I love books that challenge you to dig deep within yourself. After all, you have to get something out of reading it besides just the sheer enjoyment of it.

  6. I always love when books have twists and turns. Makes it more exciting since it is unexpected.

  7. This book sounds like a perfect read for my vacation next week! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This looks like a great book. I'm adding it to my must read list.

  9. Sounds like an interesting read! I will have to add it to my beach reads list.

  10. It is always so good when a book offers you an amazing twist - they always stick out in my head as well. x

  11. The twist in the romance is all that keeps you going - should read about it soon.

  12. this sounds like a wonderful book to read.

  13. I love when a book leaves you thinking...mind racing. I think those are the best.

  14. That sounds like a great book. I love when they pull you in and make you want to keep reading, when they have you still thinking about them after you are finished - that makes for a great book.

  15. Sounds like a very intriguing book. I will have to check it out

  16. This book does sound intriguing although I hate that the main character's relationship with her mother is destroyed.

  17. I know someone who was going to read this. She told me about it, I may look it up!

  18. Kate's Journal sounds like an awesome read. I love a good love story.

  19. I am always on the look out to get new ideas for books. Thank you for sharing this with me. Looks like I would enjoy this book

  20. I have a lot of books too (and I love it!). That is fun that you try to predict the endings when you start!

  21. Sound like an interesting story to read. For $4.99 it's a great price!

  22. I do enjoy a good book that can throw me for a loop! Thanks for this review!

  23. Sounds like an exciting read. Who doesn't love a book with a surprising twist.

  24. This book sounds really good, I love a book with a good twist that I wasn't expecting

  25. I really like books that catch me off gaurd. Well I say that, if it's an ending that catches me off guard in a bad way like killing off a character I love, then I don't like it so much LOL
